
Dan Erdmann

danerdmann-72dpi.jpg     I am the son of a minister and school teacher. An identical twin with a will to live though I was given very little hope of living beyond day one. At 2 pounds and 15 ounces the struggle was great, however God had a greater plan and a dispensation of life and talent He wanted to use. Though I have worked diligently to hone my God-given talents He has always given me favor and wisdom in the use of them. I’ve been an Art Director, Illustrator and Studio owner. Twenty years in the Defense industry as a Senior Illustrator Specialist and Photographer where some of my most productive and prolific years. I have had many challenging assignments as an illustrator and painter, but none have ever stumped me. God has always given me a path forward and a keen insight and wisdom to accomplish the tasks at hand. The marriage of a Professional Photographer and Illustrator have worked as a perfect union. I photograph all of my own reference for paintings and the ideas come from a fertile mind filled with scenes that are both imagined and created from bits and pieces that weave together visual stories to evoke and stimulate your senses and imagination. I am a fanatic for authenticity. I will go to any length to get the reference materials needed to accurately represent the scenes I create. I have traveled in forty-nine of fifty states always with camera in hand to capture necessary reference for future work. It has been my honor to paint for gallery work or a commissioned painting for someone’s home.

Stay tuned...

Dan Erdmann